Updates on The AI Gold Rush… And the Irony Behind the New “Sell Shovels” Principle

Updates on The AI Gold Rush… And the Irony Behind the New “Sell Shovels” Principle

Updates on The AI Gold Rush… And the Irony Behind the New “Sell Shovels” Principle
Mobile: Updates on The AI Gold Rush…<br />
And the Irony Behind the New “Sell Shovels” Principle

In early 1848, a New Jersey-born carpenter made an astonishing discovery. It was a discovery that would completely change the trajectory of his life… the lives of hundreds of thousands of others…

And eventually, the lives of millions more.

Because what started out as an ordinary day, checking on the performance of his hydro-powered sawmill along the American River in the Sierra Nevada foothills, would soon become one of legend.

You see, on that Monday morning, January 24th, James Marshall noticed some odd rocks had settled in his mill’s tailrace. Rocks that were unlike any he’d seen there before. They were yellow in color and completely malleable.

Forget the sawmill…

Marshall knew that what he just came across was far bigger than any timber cutting business.

“Boys, I believe I’ve found a gold mine!”

And find a goldmine he did. In fact, that sawmill was sitting atop one of the largest, yet to be discovered goldfields in North America; the areas surrounding Coloma, CA.

Now, as word of the discovery spread, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world flooded into the area, looking for their chance at striking it rich. The California gold rush was on.

Over the course of the next few years, more than 12 million ounces were pulled from California’s gold-rich ground (well over $30 billion in today’s money). Of course, with that much gold being found, some people (the lucky ones) did indeed strike it rich.

But, as you know, the biggest fortunes were not made by the gold miners themselves, but by entrepreneurs selling various goods and services to the miners. Picks, shovels, food, news, lodging, “companionship” … overalls.

In fact, of those who got truly rich, few of them ever put shovel to dirt. Levi Strauss, for example, died in 1902 with a net worth approaching $1 billion in today’s money. He didn’t mine a single ounce of gold… but made durable overalls that miners couldn’t live without.

In business, we call this the “sell shovel’s principle;” servicing booming market participants with necessities, rather than servicing the market directly.

And yes, this business principle can be applied to the new gold rush in artificial intelligence (AI).

However, the “sell shovels principle”, when applied to AI, has one ironic twist…

And it’s a twist that may be at least partially responsible for the remarkable rise in the price of gold.

Now, before we explain the twist, and you may already know what it is…

Have a look at this chart:

Spot Gold NVDA Chart

This is the gold spot chart and the Nvidia stock chart over the past five years, starting in 2019.

Remarkably, the charts visually line up quite well. Especially beginning in 2022, when AI was just becoming all the rage. Perhaps not so coincidentally, 2022 was the same year OpenAi launched ChatGPT, taking AI mainstream.

Of course, there are macro-economic reasons why gold has been on fire, but why would a hot tech stock like NVDA and a seemingly unrelated commodity’s charts track so closely?

Because, ironically, gold is among the new “shovels” in the AI boom, and it’s a “must have” in order to produce digital wealth.

Get this: according to research published this Oct. 28, from S&S Insider, the AI chip market was valued at $61.45 billion last year, and is expected to reach $621.15 billion by 2032. That’s more than a 10-X expansion of market value.[1]

And inside all those AI chips?

You guessed it, there’s gold in them there chips!

You see, just as picks and shovels were a necessity for gold miners in 1849, gold is a necessity for AI chip makers today. Why? Because gold has unique conductive properties that are absolutely necessary for the efficiency of semiconductors.

Simply put, gold is superior to most other materials at moving electricity, and because of the insane computing power of AI chips, using gold in them is a must.

Or even simpler… the market needs AI chips, and AI chips need gold.

Now, clearly, we’re not saying the price of gold will increase 10X by 2032 (mirroring the expected growth in the AI chip market), that’s highly unlikely, but we are saying demand for industrial gold could very well rise.

In fact, in Q1 of this year, demand for industrial gold rose 10%.[2]

Now, with demand for AI chips expected to rise at a CAGR of 29.4% through 2032, it stands to reason that industrial gold demand could follow; although unlikely at a near 30% CAGR.

So, will the gold bull market continue (as of this writing, it’s down 8% from ATH)?

Are there still AI or gold stocks out there that offer solid upside potential?

Well, give this a try…

Go to SentimenTrader’s free simple back-test calculator (HERE), and type GOLDLNPM where it asks for a ticker symbol…

Or enter the ticker for any gold stocks.

Then click “Run and Send Backtest Results.”

Once you do that, try inputting NVDA …

Or any other AI stocks.

And enjoy!

[1] AI Chip Market Expected to Reach USD 621.15 Billion by (globenewswire.com)

[2] Technology | World Gold Council

10 Proven Strategies for Long-Term Wealth Building

10 Proven Strategies for Long-Term Wealth Building

10 Proven Strategies for Long-Term Wealth Building
Mobile: 10 Proven Strategies for Long-Term Wealth Building

Today, perhaps more than any time in history, American citizens are taking their financial futures into their own hands. With roughly 100 million brokerage accounts, holding over $20 trillion in assets, this is today’s American retail, self-directed investor. [1]

But, while the number of self-directed investors, and the value of assets held in brokerages has grown substantially over the past decade, the difficulty of amplifying long-term wealth has not changed. It hasn’t changed at all. In fact, it’s estimated that as much as 90% of retail investors end up on the losing side of a trade.

You see, while opening a brokerage account and funding it is easy, investing for profitable returns is not. However, there are at least ten proven strategies that can help retail investors beat the odds and grow their wealth over the long-term…

And one strategy that can help build wealth over the shorter term.

Now, before we show you these ten proven long-term strategies (and one short term strategy), it’s important to know why so many self-directed investors fail at growing wealth….

And the main reason for such failure?

Well, because of today’s “on demand” world, where social media has shortened our attention spans, too many retail investors (especially those who’ve recently opened trading accounts) are looking to hit it big, quickly.

As you know, this “get rich quick” mentality will only lead to failure.

Of course, perhaps because of this mentality, the internet is now flooded with fake investment gurus and scammers looking to take advantage. And take advantage of not only first time traders, but longer term investors as well.

If you pick any type of investment vehicle, short-term or long, and Google how to invest in it, chances are you can find fake gurus who are “experts” in that vehicle. But the likelihood they are actual experts is, well, practically nil.

As the late, great Charlie Munger once said of fake gurus, “If you take the modern world where people are trying to “teach” you how to come in and trade actively in stocks… well, I regard that as roughly equivalent to trying to induce a bunch of young people to start off on heroin.”

See, it’s the allure of getting rich quickly (and pervasiveness of fake gurus) that almost always ends up being a deadly habit, rather than a winning strategy. The investing public should treat these fake gurus for what they are, simple dopamine dealers.


 What are the ten long-term strategies that can actually lead to wealth building?

  • Avoid get rich quick schemes… avoid fake gurus.
  • Start investing small and early.
  • Have a full understanding of your risk profile.
  • Avoid investing in a single sector or industry; diversify.
  • Never be emotional about your investments.
  • Put in the time, do the research, use reliable sources.
  • Always pay necessary taxes; and put money in vehicles that can alleviate them.
  • Consider investing a portion of your portfolio in index funds or ETFs.
  • Use the power of compounding by reinvesting dividends.
  • Balance your portfolio and allocate assets based on your investment horizon.

Yes, these are slow, boring ways to grow wealth. But they work. Take the S&P 500 for example. Had you invested $100k, ten years ago and reinvested the dividends, here’s what would have happened…[2]

Nominal Total Return:233.60%
Annualized: 12.80%
Investment grew To: $333,600.37

Clearly, those are wonderful returns… all without having to open a TikTok account to find a fake guru who’s only real expertise involves taking your money.

Now, is it possible to see returns like these in a shorter timeframe? Yes, it is indeed possible. However, you must avoid fake gurus, and like long-term investing, you need to put in the time, do the research and use reliable sources…

Reliable sources like SentimenTrader.

What is SentimenTrader? It’s Aether Holdings’ flagship asset, an independent investment research firm that blends qualitative insights from decades of market analysis with a quantitative approach enhanced by machine-driven technology solutions…

Offering both short-term and longer-term investment strategies. You see, SentimenTrader is no group of fly-by-night social media “influencers” …

It’s been offering professional-level insights, research and actionable investment information for 23 years and counting.

[1] State Of Retail Trading: The Evolving Retail Trading Landscape (forbes.com)

[2] S&P 500 Historical Return Calculator [With Dividends] – Of Dollars And Data

Research Reports on Aether Holdings’ Current and Future Business Verticals Say…

Research Reports on Aether Holdings’ Current and Future Business Verticals Say…

Research Reports on Aether Holdings’ Current and Future Business Verticals Say…
Research Reports on Aether Holdings’ Current and Future Business Verticals Say…

As a company that strives to establish itself as a preeminent technological enterprise, dedicated to the development of platforms tailored to empower the investing community with invaluable insights…

What business verticals does Aether Holdings currently operate in?…

What verticals does it look to enter into?

And what does the research say about these business verticals/industries?

Well, the simple answer to the first two questions is this:

Aether Holdings, through its current asset (SentimenTrader) and potential future assets, seeks to tackle some of the most important issues among self-directed investors.

Issues like…

The lack of independent, actionable and well-researched financial information.

The lack of intelligent, well-thought-out investment ideas.

And the lack of cutting edge financial technology, like artificial intelligence.

Now, because of these issues, retail investors have been having a tough go at it. A very tough go, in fact.

You see, research has shown that as many as 90% of self-directed traders lose money. This means they’re essentially “capital donors” to the smaller percentage of winning traders.

Even self-directed, long-term investors often end up on the wrong side of the market.

As MarketWatch said, “Going all the way back to 1926, it turns out that a stunning 59% — roughly three out of five — of all the stocks ever quoted on the U.S. stock market have made their investors poorer.[1]

Meaning that for many, a buy-and-hold strategy, without proper research, may not be a winning one.

Now, investing may be as easy as watching a TikTok investment “guru” video and clicking the “buy” button on a brokerage app…

But being on the winning side of a trade, either short-term or long-term, well that’s clearly a different story.

Enter Aether Holdings.

Today, with well over a fifth of all trading volume in the US stock markets coming from retail investors, and with over 100 million people having retail brokerage accounts…

Aether Holdings seeks to equip this demographic, the retail investor, with professional-level tools necessary to better perform in the markets.[2]

Simply put, our goal is to serve the self-directed investor.

With that said, here’s what recent research says about the verticals we are in now, and have plans to operate in, in the future.

Reports and Data: The Online Investment Platform Market value was $8.12 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $30.42 billion in 2032.[3]

Global Market Insights: The Stock Trading and Investing Applications Market size was valued at $24.1 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach a value of $126 billion by 2032.[4]

Dimension Market Research: The (AI) in Fintech Market is expected to reach a revenue of $70.1 billion by 2033.[5]

Precedence Research: The Global Financial Analytics Market size was estimated at $7.39 billion in 2022, and it is expected to hit around $22.09 billion by 2032.[6]

Verified Market Reports: The Financial Research Software Market size was valued at $118.65 Billion in 2023 and is estimated to reach $282.71 Billion by 2030.[7]

Now, it’s not only the goal of Aether Holdings to be a market player in each of these growth areas…

But to penetrate them with the retail investor as an end user, in mind.

If you’d like to learn more about Aether Holdings, our approach to the retail investor market and how we hope to address its needs, feel free to contact us HERE

[1] Most stocks end up losing you money. So what’s a stock-market investor to do? – MarketWatch

[2] The Power Of The Retail Investor (forbes.com)

[3] Online Investment Platform Market Size 2023, Forecast By 2032 (reportsanddata.com)

[4] Stock Trading and Investing Applications Market Size Report, 2032 (gminsights.com)

[5] Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Fintech Market is expected to reach a revenue of USD 70.1 Bn by 2033, at 17.0% CAGR: Insights by Dimension Market Research – FinTech Futures: Fintech news

[6] Financial Analytics Market Size To Hit USD 22.09 Bn By 2032 (precedenceresearch.com)

[7] Financial Research Software Market Size, Share & Growth by 2030 (verifiedmarketreports.com)

Get Ready, an IPO Boom Could Be on The Horizon! – But You’d Better Choose Your Investments Carefully –

Get Ready, an IPO Boom Could Be on The Horizon! – But You’d Better Choose Your Investments Carefully –

Get Ready, an IPO Boom Could Be on The Horizon!
Get Ready, an IPO Boom Could Be on The Horizon!

The 2024 IPO market has already exceeded expectations. By June 30, the market experienced 32.7% more debuts than at the same point last year… even as the Fed has kept interest rates at near two-decade highs.[1]

Although we are nowhere near the incredible record -breaking year of 2021 (and are very unlikely to see that many IPOs in a single year anytime soon), chances of a full-on IPO market rebound are gaining steam.

Have a look at this chart.  [2]

Annual IPOs. 2000 -2024


t shows annual IPOs going back to 2000, including through August of this year. As you can see, and by using a little math, we’re on pace for 192 IPOs by year’s end.

But now, with Fed Chair Jerome Powell signaling the “time has come” for rate cuts, and a majority of economists expecting three quarter-point cuts before the calendar turns to 2025,[3] we may not only see a short-term boost in new listings, but the longer-term “normal” IPO market may get back on track by next year…

Potentially reaching the annual average (going back to the year 2000, excluding 2024) of 223 companies going public per year.

Of course, not every IPO is an instant success, so today, Aether Holdings will share some of the biggest winners and the biggest losers from this year’s IPO market, thus far…

And we’ll show you a great way to better your chances at choosing the right IPOs to invest in, going forward.

So, let’s begin with the first two IPOs of 2024, which also happen to be among the biggest losers and winners of the year.[4]

Roma Green Finance Ltd (ROMA) – down 87% from its January 9 IPO (as of this writing) …

But debuting just two days later, Smith Douglas Homes Corp. (SDHC) is up 74% since its IPO. Of the 15 IPOs in January, ten are trading below their initial offering, with just five trading higher.

The biggest loser of the January list: FibroBiologics, Inc. (FBLG), down 95%. The biggest winner: CG Oncology, Inc. (CGON), up 95%.

On to February…

The biggest loser to debut in February: Vocodia Holdings Corp (VHAI), down 99%…

The biggest winner: BBB Foods Inc. (TBBB), up 82%. Of the 16 IPOs in February, 10 are trading below their initial offering, with 6 trading higher.


There were only 12 IPOs in March, with its biggest loser being Intelligent Group Limited (INTJ), down 77% since its debut. However, the month also offered a big winner: Ryde Group Ltd (RYDE) up 86% since March 6.

April, May and June: With 52 IPOs across this three month span, NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NNE) was the clear winner, up 167% since its May 8 debut…

With Neo-Concept International Group (NCI) the clear loser, down 90%.

July and August had 17 IPOs apiece, with Primega Group Holdings Limited (PGHL) besting the list, up 80%… and BloomZ Inc. (BLMZ) worsting the list, down 79%.

There we have it. Of the 129 IPOs thus far, these are some of the best and worst of 2024.

Now, like we said earlier, not every IPO is going to be an instant winner, and some of the new listings of 2024 that are down right now, may rebound… while some that are up right now, may slump…

So, it’s always wise to do some deep research before deciding to invest.

And what better way to obtain well researched, deep and actionable information on stocks (new listings and old) than with SentimenTrader!

You see, with the potential for an IPO boom coming, you’ll want to be well prepared with the best possible information. Information that SentimenTrader offers to help you better avoid “the biggest” losers…

And better your chances at finding the “biggest winners.”

Try SentimenTrader’s 30-day free trial and see what real research can do for you.




[1] What To Expect for the IPO Market in the Second Half of 2024 | Foley & Lardner LLP

[2] IPO Statistics and Charts – Stock Analysis

[3] Fed is predicted to deliver three quarter-point rate cuts this year: Reuters poll | Reuters

[4] All 2024 IPOs (so far) – Stock Analysis

Interesting Statistics About Day Traders And Retail Investors… And How Some of These Stats Could Potentially Be Improved

Interesting Statistics About Day Traders And Retail Investors… And How Some of These Stats Could Potentially Be Improved

Day traders and retail investors are not very good at making money. They are, however, very good at losing it.

It’s a fact.

A simple Google search of “what percentage of traders lose money” reveals hundreds of results, 22 pages of them…

Citing stats showing a whopping 80-95% of day traders end up in the red.

And for retail “investors”, or DIY, self-directed investors – those who don’t actively trade in and out of short-term positions – outcomes are not much better. 

You see, data from the Financial Times reveals that over 70% of DIY investors end up losing, even if they hold longer-term positions. 

In just a moment, we’ll explain why even this group, the buy-and hold self-directed investor, often find themselves losing money too.



The Capital Donors

Most day traders and self-directed investors are essentially fueling the profits of the small, yet effective minority.

One Google search result of “percentage of retail investors that lose money” says “75% of Retail Investors Are Essentially Capital Donors.” 

Meaning the vast majority of DIY investors are on the wrong side of the market and are “donating” their money to a small percentage of winners.

As you can imagine, the small percentage of winners taking these “donations” include institutional and professional investors, as well as some well-prepared day traders and self-directed investors.

The question is why do these two groups, day traders and self-directed investors, have such a poor win rate? And is there a way that both groups could improve their dismal results?

Let’s start with the reasons most day traders and DIY investors lose money. And it’s rather simple… poor preparation, emotional trading, a lack of market understanding and no real strategy.

Essentially, most day traders are gamblers, while many DIY investors, even those that have a buy-and-hold strategy, don’t often utilize proper research and market data tools. 


Buy and hold… buy and beware

MarketWatch says, “Going all the way back to 1926, it turns out that a stunning 59% — roughly three out of five — of all the stocks ever quoted on the U.S. stock market have made their investors poorer. 

“Yes, the stock market overall has gone up phenomenally since then. But all of the gains have come from the other 40%, or two out of five. And even among those “winners” most of the gains have come from a very few.”

So, even a buy-and-hold strategy, one that lacks proper research and stock selection, often leads self-directed investors down a losing path, a historically losing path where 60% of all stocks have left them poorer…

While professionals have gotten richer.


Research, research and more research

What truly sets the winners apart from the losing majority of day traders and self-directed investors is research, and the proper application of actionable market data.

See, while professional and institutional investors may take days, weeks, and sometimes months or longer before making an investment in a single company (while utilizing tools like SentimenTrader for both long, medium and short term market analysis and actionable short-term trade data), day traders and DIY investors generally do not.

Instead, they get a tip, or see a trend and hop on in… hoping for the best. 

But, as we’ve shown, hoping for the best is a losing strategy. One built on emotion rather than logic.

So, is it possible for day traders and self-directed investors, even buy-and-hold investors to better their chances at winning in the markets? 

Well, we think so.

And again, it comes down to research, research and more research. 

Or, more simply, they must employ the same strategies that the winners employ.

You see, while it is “popular” (and emotional) to villainize institutions and professional traders as sharks and scoundrels, perhaps DIY investors and traders should drop the emotions and do what the pros do…

Utilize actionable research and market data tools like SentimenTrader.

If you can’t beat them, join them.